

  • Old Fulani silver ring.
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    Lenght: 11 mm

    Width: 29 mm

    Height: 32 mm

    Weight: 29 grs

    Size: 14

    Price €85.00

    Old Fulani silver ring. Decorated with a quite characteristic simple engraving design from this ethnic group. For the making of this sort of pieces the Fulani usually use the -lost-wax- casting tecnique as a first stage to subsequently continue to forge the piece. This kind of ring would ocassionally be also used as a head ormanent braided or tied to the hair. Very nice patina. The Fulani people, also known as Fula, Peul or Fulbe, among other, are an ethnic group that inhabits many countries, mainly in Western Africa, Mauritania and Mali. They are probably the largest nomadic group in the world. Mid-XXth century.

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  • Old Tuareg round ring,
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    Lenght: 23 mm

    Width: 20 mm

    Height: 32 mm

    Weight: 10 grs

    Size: 23

    Price €80.00
    A Tuareg silver ring decorated with engravings. Both the shape and the decoration are typically Tuareg. Actually the decoration is a sample of the Tuareg iconography and beliefs and it is meant to afford protection to its wearer. The Tuareg are a nomadic Berber (amazigh) group that lives in the Sahara Desert. Second half of the XXth century.
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